About ACGS
Pursuit of Beauty™
Few have developed the eyes and know-how of curation and procurement, together. In representing and distributing some of the finest products handmade by craftsmen to esteemed brands and world-class retailers, ACGS has realized its innate duty in the business world through continuous action — the Pursuit of Beauty™.
ACGS represents and distributes products that are made by their makers and consequently understood by the buyers as, beautiful. We deal in beauty. We immerse ourselves in beauty. We embody the Pursuit of Beauty, because we understand it, practice it, and create the ultimate access to it.
Company Mission and History
We at ACGS (ACGS Brands Inc) dedicate in providing carefully selected goods from our trusted brands for our customers. We work to protect, grow, and benefit our brands and our customers’ business, as well as our communities. We pride ourselves in product curation and in building and enhancing our partners’ values and vision. We are the keeper of our promises.
ACGS was founded in the summer of 2012 in the heart of New York City’s Greenwich Village on 8th Street. We have been showcasing our brands with a carefully curated selection of goods at one of the most important design and home goods shows in North America — NYNOW (previously NYIGF) since 2013.
Our distribution center is located in East Rutherford, New Jersey where all orders are processed. We have liaison staff stationed in Taipei Taiwan as well as Osaka Japan and can source from these markets.
ACGS has worked as distributor, brand representative, consultant for awards winning brands and national agencies such as the Taiwan Design Research Institute and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization).
Giving Back
ACGS Taiwan is a founding member and proud sponsor of the Taiwan Mother Hen Society, currently working to establish Chengxie Elementary School in Nepal for poor and underprivileged children of Nepal.
ACGS contributes monetarily monthly to The Compassion Prison Project in the United States.
ACGS Taiwan contributes monetarily monthly to The Taiwan Mother Hen Society in Taiwan.
台灣市場品牌代理 及 美國市場顧問諮詢
亞西巨有限公司 於台灣為美國ACGS Brands Inc之姐妹公司,
負責於台灣處理品牌代理 銷售 以及售後服務之相關作業。
現今主要業務為代理日本 Lemnos 設計時鐘、美國Kohn Trading Co.珠寶、
美國Arte Vitta珠寶 等品牌於台灣高端通路販售。
於台灣市場亞西巨也有處理品牌規劃以及美國市場 顧問諮詢之業務。
2016 台灣創意設計中心 (現台灣設計研究院) 顧問,評審
2017 台灣文博會 大會顧問
2018 台灣高階手機配件品牌bitplay 顧問
現在 設計時鐘第一品牌 Lemnos
美國Kohn Trading Co.珠寶
美國Arte Vitta珠寶
尼泊爾St. KARA克什米爾圍巾
如對品牌產品購買於貴司通路販賣,品牌顧問諮詢,或有任何問題, 請與我們聯繫。